
Beijing Normal University, China

Founded in 1902, Beijing Normal University (BNU), has a distinguished history of scholarship, research and training in education. The University developed from the Faculty of Education of Capital Metropolitan University, which initiated teacher training in Chinese education. Since its foundation, Beijing Normal University has led change and innovation in Chinese education and continues to do so as it moves into the new age of rapid development. Beijing Normal University is a leader not only in Chinese education but on the world stage. Beijing Normal University lays great emphasis on exchange and cooperation with educational institutions nationally and internationally and is building a first-class reputation for research, scholarship and training.

At Beijing Normal University, MARIHE programme is managed by the International and Comparative Education Research Institute. Founded in 1962, it is the oldest and most influential institution for the study of comparative education in China, and is the only nationally recognized centre for comparative education. The Institute has a strong profile of national and international research and is staffed by senior faculty members. Aiming to train education professionals and carry out international and comparative education research, the International and Comparative Education Research Institute is a stimulating and challenging environment which welcomes ambitious students in the field of comparative education.

Contact: Professor LIU Baocun, Director of the International and Comparative Education Research Institute, MARIHE Academic Director at Beijing Normal University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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