MARIHE is an incredibly well connected program to both current research and policy actors in the field of higher education. The internship I underwent as part of the program in my case contributed to the formation of significant professional contacts.
How does your current career life looks like?
I see my PhD studies as a forum where I can challenge myself to try tricky methodologies and combining multiple disciplines and concepts. While concurrently studying towards PhD, working and holding additional on-going appointments, my current activities are designed to aid in developing a future career in the field of international education and higher education.
Your PhD topic in Twitter format? #UniversityPrestige, skills and employment of graduates: Does prestige act as a #discrimination factor in the labour market?
If you go down the memory lane of MARIHE, you think about…?
Beijing, spring like weather with a clear blue sky. The cohort was visiting the Beijing Imperial Academy.
Georgiana Mihut, originally from Romania. Before graduating from MARIHE she graduated from Education and Globalization master program, University of Oulu, Finland. She is currently studying towards her PhD in the higher education PhD program at Boston College (USA), working at the Boston College Centre for International Higher Education and is acting as chair of the Course Quality Advisory Board of the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association.