

With graduation from MARIHE I wanted achieve expertise in the field of education and gain more knowledge and practice in developing research in the social sciences. Additionally, I ambitioned to have a sound living experience in a multicultural environment.

MARIHE´s contribution to your current career path?

If I name some, the wide range of knowledge in the key areas of higher education (management, quality, human resources, etc.) as also an internship in a reputed quality assurance agency FINHEEC (Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council). I would also put forward the chance getting to know more experts and researchers in the field of higher education, particularly in my own country.

If you go down the memory lane of MARIHE, you think about…?

Any moment from the semester in China, which represented an unforgettable opportunity to live in a riveting culture where the social and cultural patterns are quite distinct from those experienced in Europe. Also, the great friends that I’ve made in these 2 years, especially those with whom I shared most of the daily experiences of this unique academic and personal odyssey.

Luis Carvalho, originally from Portugal. Before graduating from MARIHE he was working in a research institution in health sector, taking part in different projects related with health prevention and science education for young audience. He is currently working as accreditation analyst at University of Porto, Portugal. He is also collaborating with the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre in institutional audits, and with the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association in conducting a large scale study, assessing EM students’ views on the supporting services of their programmes.

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